Coming January 30, 2024
The Boy with the Star Tattoo
THE BOY WITH THE STAR TATTOO is an epic historical novel weaving two yet-untold events set in France, the first set in 1946 in the aftermath of the Holocaust, when agents from Eretz Israel roamed the European countryside to rescue hidden Jewish orphans (Youth Aliya). The second is set in 1969, about the daring escape of the boats of Cherbourg, in Normandy, which were commissioned and paid for by Israel but whose delivery was blocked by a French arms embargo. Sharon, the assistant to an Israeli naval officer stationed in Cherbourg, is set to unravel the mystery of his journey from a French village to Israel. She is unprepared for the moral dilemma she will face upon solving the mystery.

More books by Talia Carner
The Third Daughter
A frightening journey into the New World of the late 1800s, told by a trusting young woman lured from Russia and forced into prostitution in Buenos Aires. As she finds courage in the face of danger and hope in hours of despair, Batya struggles to free herself from bondage while bringing down the powerful pimps’ union.
Hotel Moscow
Set in Moscow in 1993 during the uprising of the Russian parliament against Yeltsin, HOTEL MOSCOW is both the story of the valiant Russian women going through transition after the fall of Communism, and the visiting American woman, Brooke Fielding, who’s helping them navigate the new and bewildering world of business.
Jerusalem Maiden
In 1911, in the ultra-Orthodox Jerusalem under the backward Ottoman rule, a young woman sets out to challenge God. The feisty Esther’s life-long struggle between her passions and her strict society’s religious dictates sends her to secretly explore worlds outside her religion, city, and the Holy Land.
China Doll
An American pop music icon finds herself on a collision course with the world’s two superpowers—and her label company that has business interest in China—when resolving to save a Chinese baby from certain death. Haunted by a troubled past, the protagonist is set to win against those determined to silence her.
Puppet Child
When the justice system fails her daughter, one courageous mother takes matters into her own hands. In a wrenching race against time, the safety of one child becomes entangled in the theatrics of family court, bottled-up family dynamics, media frenzy, and the pressure of the political machine.